Maximize the benefits of edge locations
The concept is simple but the execution is where it matters most. Edge servers are spread throughout the globe to decrease the physical distance between their content and their end users, regardless of where they are. The content ultimately has to travel less distance, taking less time to reach the client. This means faster downloading of content. However, what content and the amount of customization, based on actual need, will determine the optimal use of edge computing to fully take advantage of enhanced performance and cost saving.
Extremely adaptable to different installations and can effectively handle any scale
Content is always vended without having to worry about duplicating content on each server
Content will never become unavailable if a server or location goes dark
Designed to work with a variety of resources
Content reaching end users 30x faster than typical web servers can provide
The SuperLumin software is designed to work exceptionally well in situations where the total amount of content is greater than the local storage by prioritizing holding only the most requested content as additional storage becomes unavailable.